This week we are going to talk about hybrid photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) power and some of the applications of these systems. Specifically I am centering this article around the EarthShip inspired greenhouse I am building this year and how I intend on using hybrid PV/T power to heat and cool the greenhouse for a year round tropical environment. I will briefly cover PV and thermal panels and how they work, along with some of their drawbacks and how hybridizing them can turn some of those drawbacks into net positives. My intent with the real world design example is to provide a more practical application explanation of theory based off of a design that I have experience and knowledge of instead of a theory alone explanation. As well, it gives you a bit of a look into my goals, my nerdy passions, my mind and life.
My intro and adventure with solar energy.
I became interested in solar, wind, geothermal, and bio-fuel power somewhere around age 19 or 20 and like anything I develop an interest in, I researched and read every article, book, and company I could find. I don't remember what or who in particular got me started, only that I became an overnight fanatic of all clean, renewable, and non-conventional forms of energy and I have been ever since. After some research I realized our energy industry, like so many others, is teetering on the cliff of oblivion just waiting for the right factor to send it over the edge. This is probably where my passion for Environmental Science and Sociology began. I thought it was ridiculous that we rely so heavily on centralized power from pollution generating, exceedingly hard to extract, and finite fossil fuels like coal and natural gas when there are billions of acres of rooftops worldwide that could act as a decentralized solar electrical infrastructure. I found it mind blowingly stupid of our nation to ignore the possibilities of feed in tariffs for solar, small scale wind, and geothermal when countries like the UK, Germany, and Spain were prime examples for successful implementation of such systems. Also considering the latitude of Germany and the UK make them poor candidates for mass implementation of solar energy production as compared to the solar resources and latitude of the US, how could they be beating the pants off of us in an industry we by all means should be a world leader in.
While I still hold the same beliefs and convictions, my decade of experience and education since then has allowed me to recognize that entrenched ideologies, corporate law, and the bureaucratic process make initiatives like feed in tariffs, decentralized energy production, and switching to renewables exceedingly difficult to accomplish on any meaningful scale. At least with food production we have farmers markets to help in the whole decentralizing process, whereas energy production is a far way off from allowing the individual to capitalize on and stake their claim to a small part of the industry. However, even with food production, we face many obstacles from our legislature and ingrained cultural beliefs. The tide does seem to be changing for energy production however, the price per watt of solar energy has dropped significantly over the past decade. I remember when it was almost $2.50 per watt and now the price hovers around $1.35 per watt and may be below $1.00 per watt by 2020. This in combination with more investment into increased efficiency of solar and more home owners installing solar on their homes, is laying the groundwork for decentralized energy production and a significant decrease in our dependence on fossil fuels. Just not fast enough by carbon emission and sustainability standards.
So how does Solar PV work and how will I use it?
Photovoltaic or electricity producing solar panels are generally made of silicon wafers (solar cells) that have been chemically treated to have a positive or negative charge, a process called doping, and they operate off the principle of the photoelectric effect. there are other types of non-silicon solar cells, however they are special application for things like satellites in space or low energy metallic plates and you are not likely to see them in any home or commercial scale electricity production. The basic design is a negative and a positive charged cell are sandwiched together with the negative cell being the one that faces the sun and the space between the two cells is called the P/N (or positive/negative) junction. Again there are variations on this, this is just the most common. As a light photon strikes the negative cell, it frees an electron which then travels to the positive cell and as it crosses the P/N junction it generates an electrical charge. Think of the negative cell as the emitter in the video and the positive cell as the collector in the video. The tiny silver bars you see inside solar cells are a collection grid for the free floating electrons to travel down and be harvested for use in generating electricity. Usually a cell can produce between .5 to 1.5 volts, so it takes quite a few to produce any significant energy. Hence why a rooftop array may only provide half a homes needs, depending on the roof size and home electricity consumption. On the flip side of that coin, with responsible energy usage and a well situated and large enough rooftop, one home could provide enough power for four or five. I know with my houses roof space resource and home energy usage of 500-600Kw/month, we could provide energy for just shy of three homes with comparable usage.![]() |
Great visual of how a solar cell works, and the link gives a good explanation of how solar yard lights work. Just think of a panel or array as a very large scale version of the yard light. |
For the greenhouse system, I plan on utilizing solar PV to run all of the electrical components in the greenhouse and aquaponics. This includes lights (both regular lights for working at night and seasonal florescent grow lights for starting sprouts under 24 hour light), water and air pumps, fans, the system controller, a battery bank, and anything else that may pop up over time. All the excess electricity will be used by my family in the house and will offset our already low energy usage and bill. Considering the electrical usage of an average aquaponics system (20-30 watts for a single bilge pump, 20 watts for an air pump, maybe a 1Kw heater (though it'd be more efficient to insulate and heat the room and let the water act as a thermal battery), then extrapolating for my planned system size (not likely using heaters) and adding in several 50 to 60 watt canister fans or air moving fans, I believe I'd be using no more than 400Kw per month. And that's with a rather liberal usage of electricity. The 2100w PV system in my initial design will be more than the greenhouse will need.
PV drawbacks and how I intend on addressing them.
Like anything, solar PV has a few drawbacks. The most significant being that they only work when the sun is out and they are not being shaded. So if you have no other form of energy, as in the grid or a generator, you need battery backup or you will go without electricity at night and on cloudy days. The sunlight part is obvious enough given solar panels harvest sunlight to make electricity, so how does this shading thing work? Well, because of the way the panels operate, if even one cell is more than 40% shaded, it will not produce any energy and will draw down the energy production of the rest of the panel possibly damaging the cell or the whole panel. Likewise, if a solar array is connected to a single inverter, like most are, then a single panel being only 25% shaded will be enough to drop the entire array output by 50% or more. Now think about things like snow, dust, airborne soot particulate, and the like. This is in addition to the shadow arcs of trees, chimneys, pipes, swamp coolers (Ive been asked "whats that" many times before, it's a dry climate form of energy efficient air conditioning), etc... that may shade a panel in part or full for part of the day. Personally I believe that micro-inverters should be used for the grand majority of home and business arrays because any shading on one panel will only affect the performance of that one panel and not of the array. The cost is about 10% to 20% higher than a single inverter system, however added electrical output and lower line losses will pay back the additional cost in a couple of years. Commercial arrays are another story, one where single inverters are a more economically driven factor due to the sheer size of the array making micro inverters cost prohibitive while the sites themselves are almost guaranteed to have no trees or buildings shading them.For my system, I plan on using micro-inverters however I have many other factors to consider. In front of the greenhouse I plan on planting a polyculture centered around taproot and heartroot habit mulberry, persimmon, and chestnut trees to keep the water table low in this low part of my yard, stabilize the soil in that area, and shade the south face of the greenhouse in high summer when it would be subject to extremely high temperatures. As an added benefit I get pretty trees with delicious and healthy fruits and my ducks get a woodland meadow habitat when it's all completed. The average temperature at my location for the past eight years has been between 95 and 105 degrees Fahrenheit from roughly June to August and anthropogenic climate destabilization seems to be making those numbers climb. In those conditions, even with good ventilation, the greenhouse may overheat. In winter when the sun is low in the sky and the trees are bare, the glazing should get almost maximum insolation (large tree branches on espalier will block some sunlight, its unavoidable) while the earthen walls, roof, and floor will insulate the interior from the cold. The espalier trees could be problematic for the solar panels if not maintained at the proper height for shading the greenhouse but not the panels. As well, I plan on having a backup battery bank in addition to running the proper cabling to tie the greenhouse to my home and therefore the grid. When considering that the greenhouse will have live fish largely dependent on constant water flow and aeration, I'd rather have the grid as my primary backup and the batteries as a secondary than try to go grid free and have my system go down for whatever reason while I'm not home.
Heat, a solar PV killer and waste byproduct or untapped resource?
Another factor is heat, heat is the enemy of solar PV panels. As an industry standard panels are rated at 25 degrees Celsius (77F) and for every degree above 25C, the electrical output drops by .4% to .5%. This doesn't sound like much until we consider that rooftop PV panels operate at roughly 55C-75C (130F-167F). Do the math, .4x25 to 50 = 10% to 20%, and .5x25 to 50 = 12.5% to 25%. That's anywhere from 10% to 25% reduction in electrical output, or for my estimated 2100 watt system (2.1Kw) those percentages mean it is only an 1890w (1.89Kw) to 1575w (1.57Kw) system before calculating shading, DC/AC conversion, load and line losses, or any other variables. Ouch!Where does the heat come from? Only the visible light spectrum is utilized in solar energy production. Infrared light passes right through the panels as if they didn't exist, and ultraviolet light is primarily converted into heat energy and only partly into electrical energy. This has to do with the voltage and amperage potentials of the different light spectra and their photon energy. Infrared light, though the most abundant, produces such little energy that the resources for collection are not justifiable. While ultraviolet light, though the highest in energy potential, has the lowest working potential and is harder to effectively harness. The excess heat energy from the ultraviolet photons pools behind the panel while the infrared light is absorbed by the roof and panel backing material and slowly radiates back out as more heat. Another factor of heat with solar PV is that heat degrades the silicon cells and shortens their effective lifespan. So it's well worth the effort and costs to cool the panels, however cooling fans and the sort consume roughly equal the amount of energy they save in reducing temperatures thus making them only marginally beneficial. This is where hybridizing with solar thermal comes into play as it only adds roughly 25% to the cost of the panel and harnesses 2x to 4x more energy than a PV panel alone.
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SolarWall example of how hybrid solar PV/T systems work. I intend on modifying this to meet my needs and putting my own unique spin on it to avoid any patent infringment. |
Solar thermal and how I intend on using it.
For the sake of simplicity, were
going to focus on home scale air heating and will only touch on water
heating. We will not be discussing electricity producing thermal systems or commercial
concentrator systems. Those are fascinating topics for another article
on another day.
Solar thermal collectors are very simple and don't have as much to them as solar PV, unless were talking about concentrator arrays and computer controlled or evacuated tube water heating. The panels rely on infrared light and as a
result are not affected by cloudy days, moderate shade, or the like.
They however do require daylight to work, that is to say they don't work
very well at night. Though there are several designs from many
manufacturers, my favorite designs are the DIY home built ones for both air and water heating.
What I like the most about solar thermal is you can build your own for
low to no cost using new or salvaged components. Though you can build
your own PV panels, for the cost and carbon footprint in doing so you
are better off buying them wholesale from a reputable manufacture. Really the only downsides thermal panels have are they
don't work at night, as mentioned above, and in summer air units need to have
their heat load dumped to avoid internal damage. For water heat, cold
climates are problematic in that systems can freeze and suffer internal
damage from expanding ice in the pipes and hot climates or summer heat can damage a system that does not have a large enough reservoir to dissipate its heat load. However there are many options
to avoid damage while running the systems in extreme temperatures and climates.
Hopefully you are already seeing the benefits of combining solar PV with solar thermal. Not only would the thermal component capture the lost infrared light that passes through the PV portion, it also collects the excess heat and removes it from behind the PV panel helping keep the whole system cooler thus increasing electrical output and overall energy extraction. Using no extra space, the hybrid panels turn a waste product into a resource. This is stacking functions in true permaculture fashion. Whats more is this not just an ideal, its a reality already being utilized commercially.
If this has piqued your interest and you want to learn more or maybe want to design and build your own system for whatever your purposes may be, I recommend checking out and What I like most about them is that of all the text books and online resources Ive read, these websites have given me the best information for practical application of that amassed knowledge. You will find all kinds of projects where others have experimented, tinkered, designed, and built all kinds of different and innovative renewable energy systems.
Ive not settled on a topic for next week, though I'm thinking seed starting since Ive got some already going and many more scheduled for the next month. If you have any suggestions, definitely send them my way. This diversion from my normal daily topics of conversation has been really fun and refreshing, I'm thinking I might do one of these more technology geared or non-Environment and Society geared articles per month to mix it up a bit. In any event, have a wonderful week and look for ways to make the world we inhabit a better place.