Some would argue that water shortage is more important than soil health and preservation, I argue that it's of equal importance, they both exist within the same interconnected cyclical system. Where one fails, the other is sure to follow. That is without adequate water, soil dies and without deep healthy soils, less water can be stored in the ground and cycled in local ecosystems. When we hear about the drought in California, which is really an analog for drought in the entire Western US; the drought in Sao Paulo, which is an analog for drought across most of Brazil; or drought in Asia, Australia, and Europe, we're being told a story about the water cycle and drought cycles, both natural an unnatural. Drought cycles across the world, generally speaking, are natural. This does not mean they aren't dangerous or bad for us, simply that they are part of normal planetary cycles. When we disrupt the water cycle, as in the case of deforestation and soil degradation in Brazil and the Midwestern U.S., intensive irrigation in California, mega-cities preventing local evapotranspiration the world over and so on, we create artificial and prolonged droughts that lead to desertification. Likewise, we prolong and intensify natural drought cycles which also leads to desertification.
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The forests and grasslands are the major pumps of the water cycle and at any one time trap up to 3/4 of the worlds liquid fresh water. Likewise, at any given point in time only 3% of the worlds water is fresh water and most of that is in the form of glacial ice. So when we clear cut forests or convert fragile prairies and grasslands to seasonal monoculture agricultural land, we lessen or destroy the infiltration, percolation, groundwater movement, plant uptake, and land based evapotranspiration aspects of the water cycle. Thus we leave runoff and surface flow as the primary form of land based water movement. This makes water availability seasonally fleeting and becomes a positive feedback loop that perpetuates and exacerbates drought conditions. In California, and much of the Southwestern U.S. this is what we've done, think back to last week where we talked about the importance of mulch and living ground cover for protecting soils.
For example, much of the desert of the Southwestern U.S. was once fragile prairie and grassland with marginal pine and juniper forests. The prairies were burned and used for growing cotton for sheeting planes in WWI and have never been replanted, no attempt at ecological repair has been made. Likewise, the pine and juniper forests that once covered most of the Colorado Plateau were clear cut over about a 700 year period by the native inhabitants who lived there from roughly CE 500 to 1200. Have you ever been to Chaco Canyon? It's one of my favorite places in the entire world and one of the few places in this world that speaks to directly to my soul. What I find amazing is just 1500 years ago Chaco and the surrounding area were mostly covered in forests and could sustain moderate agriculture, where today there are no forests and only marginal scrub in and around the canyon. Imagine how much more stable and moist the Colorado Plateau and surrounding areas would be if we made the effort to repair and replant all the forests and grassland prairies. Imagine how productive and useful the area would be, even if only for wildlife and a small or low density human population, we could build a biodiversity powerhouse out of an extremely damaged ecosystem.
Chaco canyon and most of the Southwest went from looking like this,
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and this,
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to looking like this.
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History is filled with examples of societies that destroyed their local ecosystems, depleted their water resources, desertified their lands, expanded their population too fast, and ultimately collapsed. California and Sao Paulo are no exception; our modern and seemingly infallible societies are no exception. Within a month or two Sao Paulo is expected to run out of water and as agriculture fails, water rations become scarce and the choice between life and death more pressing, either more expensive and ecologically damaging and short sighted measures that undermine long term sustainability like ocean desalinization will be implemented, or emigration driven collapse will follow.
By this time next year, California is expected to run out of water and will be wholly reliant on fossil water, which takes thousands to millions of years to replace. At best we can expect another 50 years of fossil water before there is none left, its an emergency savings account that were spending without making new deposits. Meanwhile the land above ground is becoming ever more desertified, agriculture in the central valley is beginning to fail, we are pumping so much water that its contributing to sea level rise and salinization of aquifers, and the only plan for repairing this won't come into full effect for almost 30 years. The scariest part is a sizable portion of the U.S. food supply comes from California.
The entire Western U.S. is following closely behind California's trend and collapse is eminent. This pattern is being mirrored worldwide. Global ecological and societal collapse are what we are faced with, and instead of being on regionally localized levels like the Roman Empire, the Maya, the Anasazi, the Norse and so on, were facing collapse on a global scale for the first time ever. All of this is due to the rapid destabilization of climates in relation to global warming, and the mismanagement and abuse of water resources and soil.
However, permaculture and holistic farming offer several low tech and easy to implement ways of capturing and using water for both ecological repair and food production. This is not a matter of modernity vs. primitive living, this is about taking responsibility for ourselves, living sustainably, and creating abundance for all lifeforms on this planet, not just our species. We can do this by thinking ecologically; using wastes as a resource for something else, stacking functions, and being mindful that there are consequences for every action we take.
Nutrients and sunlight aside, one of the best ways to guarantee fast and vigorous plant growth is to have plenty of available water in the root zone. With this in mind, a logical answer is to increase the water being made available to the plants in the form of irrigation. However artificial irrigation can and usually does lead or contribute to soil salinization, water reserve depletion, and erosion. I argue that to increase available water we need more reservoirs of water, however not open air bodies of water that contribute more to water shortage problems than they help to prevent. To be clear I don't argue against them either, they do serve purposes and fill vital functions. The reservoirs I argue for are ground water storage systems, usually swales and their variations and high soil organic matter content. The last two weeks we talked a lot about soil health and moisture holding capacity, so I'll only mention here in brief that deep soils rich in organic matter are a great way to hold and keep the water that falls on your site.
Enter: the swale.
A swale is basically a ditch dug level on contour to the land with the removed soil bermed up on the downhill side. The basic Idea here is to slow or stop any water flowing downhill and force it to percolate into the ground and travel underground instead of over the landscape. This creates a well watered root zone around and downhill from the swale, and once established usually only needs seasonal rainfall to remain hydrated. As well, the water slowly percolates down to and recharges aquifers. That is to say, swales by design actively help recharge aquifers by directing water into the ground and by reducing our dependence on fossil water. Another benefit is the downhill berm increases the plantable area and creates distinct microclimates on its top, sides, and base.
A rain garden is a depression meant to slow and collect water at a certain point, allowing it to settle and percolate into the soil much in the same way as with swales. The main difference is rain gardens aren't necessarily ditches, on contour, or uniformly shaped. They can be put pretty much anywhere the site calls for and in a myriad of shapes and depths. Because of these benefits, swales and rain gardens are a staple in permaculture and ecological land management design. Check out the folks at Midwest Permaculture, they have created some of the best home integrated rain gardens Ive seen.
Two important drawbacks that are not often mentioned about swales are downhill soil salinization if the water table is too high, and mudslides on steep slopes (which ironically happen to be where swales are most beneficial). The way to handle both of these problems is to plant water loving tap rooted and heart rooted trees (such as boxelder, mulberry, chestnut, persimmon, and the dreaded silver maple) and shrubs on the downhill side of the berm, and on top of the berm in the case of really steep slopes. A thick, fibrous community of roots is vitally important for holding soil in place in any situation, especially on sloped land. Water loving trees like boxelder are great for keeping the water table created by the swale low enough that evaporation driven salinization does not become an issue. On really steep slopes the obnoxious silver maple turns all of its otherwise negative aspects (it has a monstrous heart root system and is a water pig) into a powerhouse of soil holding and stabilizing benefits, especially if coppiced regularly to add mulch to the surrounding area. Recall in the soil posts how heavy mulching with dead organic matter or thick living mulches mitigates evaporation while promoting soil stability and health.
A slight modification that I love and recommend is to build a Hugelkultur mound as the downhill berm. Though I think the word itself is made up, as Ive not found any etymology for it prior to Sep Holzer, it means wood mound agriculture. The basic principle is as the wood breaks down it absorbes water, becoming a drought resistant sponge, and slowly releases its nutrient load over the course of its life. When well built they can last from 20 to 100 years before needing rebuilt and even then what you'll remove is thick healthy humus that can be spread anywhere you need high quality organic matter to amend the soil. Like anything, hugelkultur is not all positives. There are two major drawbacks to hugel mounds, nutrient lockup and water lockup, both problematic for the first two to five years depending on local climate and materials used. Wood can hold up to ten times its own dry weight in water and as it starts breaking down, it absorbs all the water around it until fully saturated. Depending on local rainfall or water avaiability, this can take quite a while. Though once saturated, a hugel is almost drought proof. Because wood has a high carbon to nitrogen ration, it also locks up all of the available nitrogen in the surrounding soil until the composting process starts and biological activity begins breaking down the wood.
Personally I can't stand the thought of wasting potable water to flush nitrogen and phosphorus rich urine down the drain to be then treated with chemicals that are very harmful to the environment, while simultaneously paying lots of money for petroleum based nitrogen and resource intensive mined phosphorus. It's your choice to make, however I use urine to fertilize hugels for the first couple years and have never had a problem with nutrient lockup while gardening on them. Though I do warn that if you do use this method of free fertilizer, any medications you may be taking will end up in your hugel and thus your crops.
The process that I have come up with and works for me is as follows. Keep in mind I have modified and adapted my process from those of others and you should modify it to fit your need and your specific site, there is no one size fits all when building hugelkultur mounds.
- Dig a shallow contoured ditch where you want the berm to be.
- Fill it with enough logs for the above ground portion to equal about 1/3 of the expected final mass of the berm. This is somewhat standardized, you dont want more than 35% of your mound mass to be wood.
- Pile the removed soil on top of the logs and level it out.
- Cover with six to nine inches of wood chips inoculated with king stropharia mushroom mycelium, cover this with cardboard, and let it colonize for a year.
- The following year dig your swale uphill of the berm and pile the soil on top of the berm.
- Cover with about three inches of well aged compost, then mulch with wood chips again. As the king stropharia mycelium colonizes the wood, it will begin sending mushrooms up through the roughly six inches of soil and mulch.
- At this point you're ready to plant out the berm and as long as you feed the mycelium a good mulch every year, you'll continue to collect mushrooms for a decade or more.
Though systems like drip irrigation, sub irrigated raised beds, and olla irrigation have serious water saving potential, they're not exactly within the scope of this post. They are techniques for conserving water use, while what this article is describing are methods for keeping the water that arrives naturally. The only caveat to this is when rain barrels are used to collect roof runoff and then are the only source of water for the irrigation systems. However keep in mind that water is then diverted away from swales, rain gardens, and hugel mounds. As well rain barrels are subject to local laws and regulations where swales and rain gardens are not. Where I live in Colorado residential rain collection is illegal though not well enforced, while swales, rain gardens, and hugels are merely landscape decoration.
This post has run a bit longer than I had planned, however the point I want to drive home is that water availability is paramount to the continuation of our daily lives. I like to look at available fresh water like personal finances, its not about how much money you make or how much water you get, its about how much you keep. Here in Colorado, I get about 14 inches of water on average and I keep most of it in my soil and in my plants. In parts of the southwest they get maybe 10 inches per year and I have seen many lush gardens that center around keeping all the water they get. At the same time, many tropical and subtropical areas of the world get over 30 inches of rain per year and keep almost none of it. So think of these water capturing and storage methods I've covered in brief as investments that collect and store your water, increase water availability, and make more efficient and better use of it as time goes on. Next week I'm going to talk about aquaponics, however with a twist. Ive read a few articles recently that hail aquaponics as the revolution in agriculture that will save the world, I'm going to counter that argument with a reality check. I love aquaponics, however sensationalizing a new technology or process is a recipe for disaster. Have a great week and tune in to find out more.